
After handing off the neighborhood outreaches in December, we’ve felt led to remain in the Woodlawn community but in a more focused manner. 
There is much to be done and plenty of ways to minister, but we decided in order to be truly effective we have to narrow and refine our intentions, both with who we minister to and how.

Our hearts are drawn to the kids. 
There’s both an innocence they possess and an eagerness that’s hungry for something more and different.
So, we started to brainstorm...What is the single most important thing we can do for these kids?
Obviously, Jesus is the biggest change they can experience. 
And secondly, being educated. WHEN A CHILD RECEIVES AN EDUCATION, THEY GAIN THEIR INDEPENDENCE. No matter what life deals them, an educated child is prepared to find their own way.

We plan on doing this by building relationships that allow us to share Christ and expose kids to new experiences that promote INTEREST & MOTIVATION towards their education.

If you can’t see what’s waiting, how can you chase it? 
Most of these kids think it’s either McDonalds or the NBA. There is so much success to be had between earning the minimum wage and being a professional athlete. Our goal is to expose youth to a world otherwise unseen with field trips to places of education, industry, art, culture, nature and more all with the goal of igniting a dream and revealing a God-given purpose.
I can remember when I was younger, my parents knew I had expressed interest in building and design. They exposed me to individuals in those professions and I can still remember the details of those experiences and how they motivated me to pursue where I am now. 

It only takes one moment. 
An example of this is when we took a young girl to meet some local attorneys and prominent judge. She had expressed interest in law, particularly animal rights. I will never forget the look on her face talking with a fellow female attorney and then walking into the county courtroom of Judge Brown. She may not even become an attorney, but I believe that day could be the one thing that propels her to excel in school in pursuit of any of her dreams. I’m still not sure who made the bigger impact- the attorneys and judge...or her.

So, with that, Sarah & I would like to announce the launch of Open Eyes!
A ministry and hopefully soon coming nonprofit whose mission is to open the eyes of at-risk youth to discover:
1. Purpose through new experiences outside their circumstances
2. Independence through education
3. Spiritual freedom through the gospel of Jesus Christ 

If you’d like to be a part of our journey, social media links are at

Defend the weak and the fatherless;
uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Psalm 82:3-4